Build your career without compromise.

The Propeller Experience is a fully funded, four-week virtual coaching program and collective that helps you discover what it is you truly want from your career (and life). Our simple framework will give you the clarity, confidence and community you have been missing to become the next best version of yourself. 

Shift your beliefs and results in just four weeks.


Imagine if you could "yes, and" your career...

  • You could be your authentic self and feel valued with a sense of belonging.
  • You could make money, and do work you feel called to and love. 
  • You could have the flexibility to live life the way you want and have professional growth.  

Our group coaching program and collective offers a simple framework and curriculum with a private online community that will propel you into this next phase of your life and career.

Get aligned, get clear, and get what you want and deserve out of your career and your life. Join the Propeller Experience. 

Be you. Get more. Without apology. 

Proudly dedicated to the advancement of women and equitible opportunity in the workplace.

Here's the big secret to getting what you want...  

There is no big secret to getting what you want. 

Honestly, I wish we could just wave a magic wand and make it happen for you.

You can get a coach, scroll through all the motivational quotes on Instagram or dive into a library full of self-help books — but, in reality, the secret behind getting everything you desire in your career, and in life, boils down to one single thing, YOU. When you make the decision to do the work, you will get what you desire. 

"You are not a victim of the world, you are a Master of your own destiny. Only you have the power to change, shape or build your future. Your choices and decisions directly impact your results." - Jenny Hargreaves

Everyone is different. Everyone will have different paths and strategies to achieve their version of success, but the framework to get there is the same. It starts with you saying yes, to you (and to this coaching program!)

What is this framework you speak of? Well, I'm glad you asked! 👇 

Your Success Framework


Your Aiming Point

Stop shoulding yourself...Get clarity around what it is that you really want. From your career and your life. 


Success Paradigms

Name and claim the thoughts and beliefs that are keeping you stuck, or blocking you from going after what it is that you truly want. 



Be her now. Accelerate your results by adopting the self-image of the person who is living your goals.


Inspired Action

Stop spinning your wheels. Get the network and direction to design intention, worth and joy into your career plan. 

Get the unrivalled support and expert guidance to take that empowering step toward your version of success.


Hear what other members have to say...


How does it work? Where do I start?

1. Read through this page and make sure the program is a good fit for you! We have a limited number of fully funded opportunities and we're not in the business of wasting anyone's time or money! 

2. Apply for next cohort, or sign up to the waitlist using the links below. 

3. You will be notified within five business days about your grant application and approval status. 



✔️ On your cohort start date, we will welcome and orient you with the program, the framework and your peers during a kick-off call.

✔️ You will get access to a private online classroom with a world-class curriculum. Every week a new lesson, workbook and meditation will be released. Each lesson is available on demand to flex with your schedule and learning style. They are, on average, 6 - 10 minutes long. Short and impactful!

✔️ We will meet on Zoom once a week with your cohort for four weeks. These coaching sessions will accelerate your progress and make sure the framework and lessons are tailored to your unique circumstances and goals. 

✔️ After our four weeks together as a cohort, you will rejoin the extended collective for three months of full access to our accountability, networking and acceleration supports. You're not going to do this alone my friend. We've got you. 

You will tell all your friends how amazing this program is and that they should all join! BOOM! 

Frequently Asked Questions

Your Guide

Introducing Jenny Hargreaves and her dynamic team at tellent. For six game-changing years, they've been empowering women and smashing barriers to create equal opportunities for all.

Jenny, the visionary extraordinaire, has assembled a dream team of experts, ready to guide you on your personal journey. They're not just any team - we're talking about the best of the best. Founders, leaders, coaches, and guides who will stop at nothing to help you achieve greatness.

But wait, there's more! We've also enlisted the help of zen masters, mindset reframers, and "get you past your barrier" busters. These fearless warriors are on a joint mission to help you tap into your professional potential and conquer the world of success.

Here at tellent, collaboration, generosity, and abundance are our guiding principles. We believe that by working together, as a collective, you'll be able to reach new heights and achieve more than you ever thought possible.

Choose the plan that works best for you.

The Propeller Experience

Application Only

Funded in partnership with government and industry.

  • The Propeller Experience programming including Mindset Reset (4 weeks) and the Possibilities Streams
  • 3 months access to Community Membership
  • 4 x weekly lesson Mastermind groups with your cohort. 
  • Graduate mentorship.
  • Life changing experience. 

Our 2024 program cohort is now FULL.

Please join the wait list to be notified of our next cohort kick off dates. 

Community Membership

$45 / Month

Less than $6 per coaching session.

  • Rolling monthly Membership. Free 7 day trial, you can cancel at any time.
  • Access to an uplifting network of women and your next level expanders. You are no longer doing this alone.   
  • 2 x weekly coaching, mentorship and networking sessions. 
  • BONUS: Access to the the Financial Services and Money Mindset training stream. 
  • ... and much more! 

Our 2024 program cohort is now FULL.

Please join the wait list to be notified of our next cohort kick off dates. 

Join the Propeller Experience Wait List

Secure your front-row seat to career transformation! 🚀

Join the wait list to be the first to know when the next round of program applications open.